Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual

Your Job Search

Your Job Search

Your Job Search

Your Job Search

Your Job Search

We analyze thousands of jobs using AI to bring you the ones you are most interested in and compatible with.

We analyze thousands of jobs using AI to bring you the ones you are most interested in and compatible with - saving you hundreds of hours

We analyze thousands of jobs using AI to bring you the ones you are most interested in and compatible with - saving you hundreds of hours

We analyze thousands of jobs using AI
to bring you the ones you are most interested in and compatible with,
saving you hundreds of hours

We analyze thousands of jobs using AI to bring you the ones you are most interested in and compatible with - saving you hundreds of hours

1200+ professionals landed their dream job

1200+ professionals landed their dream job

1200+ professionals landed their dream job

1200+ professionals landed their dream job

1200+ professionals landed their dream job

Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
Screenshot of the main dashboard with gradients as background
  • I am not actively looking for a job but having something to continuously scan the jobs and bring me the compatible ones is great. I feel like I am on top of the job market without spending any effort.

    Ray Boonsapura

    Customer Experience and Ops Leader

  • Love the variety of jobs and AI copilot for resume optimizations. I feel like since I have started optimizing my resume, I am getting more calls. I guess that’s what you need to do now.

    Zaire Houck

    React Developer, Barclays

  • I came across this the day I was laid off and it immediately scanned and analyzed all open jobs for me. I even applied to several right away. So much time saved!

    Jane Newsome

    Human Resources Director

  • This tool makes my job search so much easier. I was so sick of going to different job sites every day and filtering out the jobs I cared about. Now it is done automatically for me. Strongly recommend it to anyone looking for a job.

    Tony Scianta

    Sr. Product Manager, Flexport

  • I tried a lot of AI jobs tools and this is the only want that’s truly effective for me. It does what it says it does - get it and make your job search a little easier in this horrible market.

    Prakash Chawla

    Program Manager, OKTA


Only the jobs you want,
from all sources

Only the jobs
you want,
from all sources

Tell us what you want or do not want and we’ll filter out all the jobs that do not meet your criteria by searching multiple job sites.

Tell us what you want or do not want and we’ll filter out all the jobs that do not meet your criteria by searching multiple job sites.


Tailor-made insights, just for you

Tailor-made insights, just for you

Every job is analyzed to determine your compatibility so that you don’t need to waste time reviewing and focus on the ones that matter to you using our actionable insights.

Every job is analyzed to determine your compatibility so that you don’t need to waste time reviewing and focus on the ones that matter to you using our actionable insights.

Every job is analyzed to determine your compatibility so that you don’t need to waste time reviewing and focus on the ones that matter to you using our actionable insights.


Get notified,
stay ahead

Be the first one to be notified when there is a new job that’s compatible with you via our daily emails - already analyzed.

Be the first one to be notified when there is a new job that’s compatible with you via our daily emails - already analyzed.

Be the first one to be notified when there is a new job that’s compatible with you via our daily emails - already analyzed.


AI co-pilot,
help when needed

AI co-pilot,
help when needed

Your personalized AI co-pilot is here to help you throughout the application process with whatever you need from resume optimization, cover letter, interview prep, and more.

Your personalized AI co-pilot is here to help you throughout the application process with whatever you need from resume optimization, cover letter, interview prep, and more.

Your personalized AI co-pilot is here to help you throughout the application process with whatever you need from resume optimization, cover letter, interview prep, and more.

Copyright @ 2024 Opentowork

Copyright @ 2024 Opentowork

Copyright @ 2024 Opentowork